
There is a creepy person trapped in every computer screen

Friday 4 March 2011

Test drive

Why is it that millions of people out there spend their time reading other people's thoughts and ideas? What is it that compels them to turn on their computer and read up what some stranger has to say. I mean, have we run out of things to do on the internet? You would give up watching an episode of your favorite tv show, or stream a movie, or download a classic film, or read an Ebook, or watch a random cat video on youtube for what? You would prefer to read disorganized thoughts spewed up by some dude with a laptop and alot of free time on his hands. You would choose that over millions of possibilities of entertainment. You would choose that over porn?

Better yet, what is it that causes people to start a process that broadcasts there thoughts, feelings, beliefs and emotions on the world wide web. Its like you are inviting others to infringe your privacy. You want them to know whats going on in your head.

So, to get around this, I have decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon. I want to figure out what causes people to blog and to read blogs. Are we that lonely that we feel the need to confide in strangers in some other country, in some other time zone. Sheesh.